Heart Attack Position

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Recognizing and Responding to Heart Attacks

1. Identifying a Potential Heart Attack

Know the signs and act promptly:

  • If you suspect someone is experiencing a heart attack, call the emergency services immediately.
  • In the UK, heart attacks are alarmingly common, with someone being admitted to the hospital approximately every five minutes, according to the British Heart Foundation.
  • Never ignore chest pain; treat it seriously and take prompt action.

2. Recognizing Heart Attack Symptoms

Familiarize yourself with common symptoms:

  • Heart attack symptoms may include:
  • Persistent chest pain lasting more than a few minutes
  • Pain radiating to the arms, back, neck, and stomach
  • Unexplained shortness of breath

3. Providing Initial Aid

Take immediate action when someone shows signs of a heart attack:

  • Seat them down and ensure their back is supported against a stable surface, such as a fence, wall, tree, or goalpost.
  • Bring their knees up towards their chest and lean them forward slightly.
  • This position, known as the heart attack position or 'W' position, helps reduce pressure on the heart by opening up the thoracic cavity.
  • Do not lay the person down and raise their legs, as this can strain the heart further.
  • If you have an aspirin in an Aspod, consider offering it, but do not insist if they decline.
  • While in the 'W' position, maintain communication and urgently contact emergency services.
Learning Outcomes:
  • IPOSi Unit four LO3.1, 3.2 & 3.3