How to use face shields

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Face Shields and Pocket Masks: Protection During First Aid

Face shields offer a simple, effective, and affordable means of protection against coming into contact with vomit, blood, or other substances when providing rescue breaths. If you don't have a face shield or cannot give rescue breaths, you can perform chest compressions only.

Types of Face Shields

While packaging and design may vary, there are two main types of face shields:

  1. Filter paper: These face shields have filter paper to blow through.
  2. One-way valve: These face shields feature a one-way valve for exhalation.

Both types allow you to squeeze the nose and provide a barrier against substances. Face shields are available with a pouch and keyring, so they're always at hand. All BSI first-aid kits include some form of face shield.

Pocket Masks

Pocket masks are another type of face shield. They seal around the face and feature a one-way valve for ventilation. Air enters the patient's mouth and nose during rescue breaths.

Typically, pocket masks come in a plastic case. To remove the mask, push it until it pops up. An elastic band can be placed around the patient's head to secure the mask, and an air-filled sack around the mask ensures a proper seal. Pocket masks can also be used with oxygen if available.

Disposing of Face Shields

Face shields are single-use only and should be disposed of safely after use.

Learning Outcomes:
  • FPOS level 3 unit one LO3.3